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Shadowscapes Tarot


THE UNICORN IS a child of the sea, born of foam and restless waves, surging with the wild abandon of the surf. Only those with purity of heart may lay a hand upon such a creature, much less ride upon her back. The Knight of Cups is her companion on the eternal quest. The two of them are alone on this mystical journey

He is the knight of the Round Table on the grand quest for the Grail. He is the romantic who seeks where his heart and emotions lead. He is the artist and the musician and the poet whose eyes see into the unseen nether-realms of imagination. He is the idealist who will not let mere physical laws stop him from riding with reckless abandon across the wavetops on his journey.

The Knight of Cups follows his dreams. He lets his intuition guide him on his journeys. Sea sprites and foamy sylphs tell him of the wonders far beyond the explored lands, and he yearns to follow those spirits and see with his own eyes. The golden grail embodies the perfection he yearns for. He knows if he remains honest and faithful, and follows the truths that his heart speaks, that he can one day taste from that cup.

The waves churn in his wake, and he does not know nor care what lurks below the sapphire waves; he sees only the beauty that sparkles in the spraying droplets.